Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Week 2 Posting - A Look into the Graphical Changes in Windows OS

This week we read chapter 3 in our CompTIA A+ Certification book which focused mostly on the basic functions of a computer and how it processes information, but it also looked into the history of the Windows Operating System and how it has changed throughout the years. I personally have always been pro-change, because I've always felt like we should always be willing to grow and explore new options in technology.. But is every change a good change?? Lets look at the changes that were made graphically between Windows Vista and Windows 10.

Windows 7:
Windows 7 was mostly your basic operation system. Most people think of this one as the perfect operation system especially aesthetically. Many people still use Windows 7 to this day because of the simplicity of the operation. I personally liked this system very much and this is the system I really got used to using.

Windows 8:
With Windows 8, they changed the interface DRAMATICALLY. This OS had more of a mobile look with tiles instead of a start menu. Many people did not like this change and refused to upgrade operating systems because of it.

Windows 10:
This system combined the best of the old and the new. Personally this one is my favorite because it really looked like Windows listened to their users and reverted some of the changes they had made. The tiles still exist, but they combined them with the classic start menu to create a beautiful new experience.

I personally support changes throughout technology, since technology itself is constantly changing and evolving.  I appreciate that it seems like Windows listened to its users with Windows 10, because it truly is a beautiful operating system. I'm looking forward to learning more about the ins and outs of the Windows OS!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Week 1 Posting - The Journey Begins

My name is Juliana Becher (but you can call me Julz), I am 27 years old, and this is my IT blog! I am going to school for Information Technology, however, I am extremely new to the field of IT. Let me give you a little peak into the Life of Julz..

I graduated high school in 2010 in Long Island, NY. I had no idea what I wanted to do for my career path, so I spent the next few years switching majors (psychology, photography, sociology, communications... just to name a few) before deciding I was going to take a break from school. I had no end goal, so I had no motivation to actually apply myself and do well in school, so I felt like the best decision would be to spend some time reflecting on life and figuring out what I wanted to do for a career.  I picked back up school for one semester in 2013 when I applied for the Disney College Program in Florida, and I decided to permanently move my life to Florida and completely start over. I spent the next 5 years working for Disney, and I LOVED it, but I knew I eventually wanted to go back and get a degree eventually. It wasn't until 2018 that I decided to pick back up school again. I still wasn't sure what I wanted to do for a career, but I knew I wanted it to be something I really and truly ENJOYED doing. I searched and searched for something that looked appealing to me, and decided on Information Technology. Growing up, I was surrounded by computers. My father was a graphic designer, and I have vivid memories of him showing me how to troubleshoot computer issues when I was a small child. I love problem solving, and I love being able to fix issues, so I felt that IT would be a perfect field for me. I'm going to be completely honest, I'm not as involved in the IT field (since I'm just starting out learning about the ins and outs of computers) and I don't necessarily have a "pulse" on the IT industry currently, but I'm really looking forward to documenting my journey in immersing myself into the computer and IT industry in this blog over the next few months. I've never built my own computer, and even though I'm pretty good at figuring things out, I've never been actually taught how to officially troubleshoot computer issues. For the first time in my entire life, I feel like I'm actually excited to learn in school, and I'm eager to be able to share my journey in becoming an IT specialist with all of you.